We took him to "Pama," which is just down the street from the Puma store and shares the same distinctive cat silhouette on its sign. (Have I mentioned that copyright infringement doesn't seem to be a big concern here?) The owner/stylist speaks English fairly well, does a good job (which includes actually listening to the customer), and has holsters for his scissors. Too cool! He also plays in a local heavy metal band, but is married with a daughter Liam's age and another on the way.
Liam acting shy when we first arrived, despite the fact he's been here numerous times when Matthew & I have gotten haircuts.

Getting braver, he sits in a normal chair while Matthew gets his hair cut.

Finally, it's Liam's turn and he gets to sit in a special car chair! He did fairly well, although I did have to hold his hands some of the time.

Looking wistful afterwards

And presenting a side view of his "like Dad's, but longer" haircut.

Unfortunately, he refused to pose nicely with the hair stylist.
3 Responses to “first real haircut”
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Temper tantrum? Not my grandson!
He is such a big boy now! Wow!
Man, Catherine. Liam looks more like you (in the face, that is) every day.
We surely do miss you guys.
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